US-Star-Tenor Terry Barber unterstützt Interhelp
Die in Hameln gegründete gemeinnützige Hilfsorganisation Interhelp Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Hilfe hilft weltweit Opfern von Naturkatastrophen. Nun bekommt Interhelp prominente Unterstützung aus den USA. Terry Barber, international bekannter Tenor und Countertenor aus Fort Lauderdale (Florida), will sich für die heimischen Helfer einsetzen ebenfalls weltweit. Ich war niemals zuvor stolzer als jetzt, wo ich Interhelp assistieren darf, schreibt der Star auf der von Interhelp-Schirmherr und Vorstandsmitglied Alexander Fürst zu Schaumburg-Lippe kreierten Internet-Seite Auf dieser Homepage sind auch sechs Lieder von Terry Barber zu hören. Von dem neuen Album des Künstlers, der es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, für das Gute in der Welt mit seiner einzigartigen Stimme zu kämpfen, soll ein Teil der Einnahmen an Interhelp gehen. Der Kontakt zu dem Tenor war im Dezember 2007 über seine Managerin Daniela Quennet entstanden. Die Ex-Sony-Mitarbeiterin war im Internet auf das Benefiz-Projekt Christmas for Everyone zugunsten der Aktion Kinder in Not aufmerksam geworden und hatte Fürst Alexander angesprochen. Interhelp ist ein toller Verein international ausgerichtet, schnell und professionell in der Umsetzung von Hilfsmaßnahmen und viel geachtet, sagt die Deutsch-Amerikanerin. Zahlreiche bekannte Musiker, darunter Roger Cicero, Giulia Siegel und der 14-fache Grammy-Gewinner David Foster interessieren sich für das Projekt und haben ihre Web-Seiten mit Terry Barber supports Interhelp verlinkt.
Terry Barber joined the roster of the Metropolitan Opera 2002 season for the opera, Sly, with Placido Domingo. Mr. Barber made his New York City Opera debut in 2001 in Il Ritorno dUlisse in Patria and has covered Daniel Taylor in the NYC Operas production of Handel’s Rinaldo starring David Daniels. In summer of 2002 he has performed at the International Spoleto Festival both the Spirit and the Witch in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas.
Highlights in 2004 include Mr. Barbers debut performances at Carnegie Hall in the role of Orlovsky in Die Fledermaus with the National Chorale under Martin Josman (New Years Eve 2004); with the London Philharmonic Orchestra in a tour of Europe; and the Portland Baroque Orchestra in Handels Messiah under the direction of Nicholas Kramer. Recent performances with the New Trinity Baroque Orchestra of Pergolesis Stabat Mater with Evellyn Tubb earned him the comment, ’…his grasp of the texts and elegant phrasing made for charismatic singing‘ — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Terry Barber will also participate in a series of short musicals to be filmed in New York City.
At home in various styles, Mr. Barber was recognized by three-time Grammy Award winners, Chanticleer. In 1998 he completed a year-long tour with Chanticleer, where he performed and recorded gospel, jazz, folk music in 12 languages, opera, and classical music ranging from Gregorian chant to contemporary repertoire. He was called by the press …the jewel in Chanticleers crown… when he was the featured soloist on Chanticleer’s Mexican baroque tour. Mr. Barbers recent CD releases include featured solos on Karl Jenkins, Adiemus V, released by EMI as well as Dido and Aeneas for New Trinity Baroque. He has recorded two tracks on the Buddah-Bar chill-out series, Living Theater Vol.2 and 3. Dj Tracy Young’s remix of Terry’s vocal for The World Is A Stage has been listed in the top 10 world-wide by various Djs. Terry Barber is a soloist on Crossing the Stone, released by Sony Classical and featured as classical album of the week in the United Kingdom. Dorian’s release, The Jesuit Operas, includes Mr. Barber in the role of Japan. Terry Barber recorded Reflections with Chanticleer for Warner. He also recorded Jewel’s Chrismas album for Columbia Records.
Mr. Barber began private study in the arts at the age of seven, and has been involved in the entertainment industry since that time. He is a graduate of the Northwestern University Musical Theater Program. A role was created with his extreme vocal range in mind for the musical A Robin Hood Tale, by Lawrence Rush and Kathy Phillis. He performed in Hello Dolly at Lincolnshire Theatre of Chicago, and was also a recipient of the Winthrop Bean Theater Award.
„silvery tones… delightfully natural soaring high register“
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Sep. 2007)
performances of great vitality and verve
Los Angeles Times